Gordon Research Conferences

      Gordon Research Conferences (GRC) are a group of international scientific conferences focused on the latest developments in scientific research across various fields, with topics ranging from basic science to applied research. The conferences are aimed at researchers and other professionals involved in scientific research, and provide a forum for sharing knowledge and collaborating on new approaches to scientific discovery.

      Lipidomics Conference GRC 2022


      Aug 07, 2022 - Aug 12, 2022


      Maine, USA

      This Gordon Conference series includes presentations on the recent developments in standardization, omics integration, and state-of-the-art technologies and their impact on applications to study human health and disease.

      Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity GRC 2019


      Aug 11, 2019 - Aug 16, 2019


      Andover, USA

      The program of this conference highlights innovations and challenges in mechanistic toxicology including the human exposome, big data and quantitative systems modeling, and alternative methods in risk assessment.

      Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics GRC 2007


      May 20, 2007 - May 25, 2007


      Lucca (Barga), LU, Italy