Research in Computational Molecular Biology Conference Series

      Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) conferences aim at attracting research contributions in all areas of computational molecular biology. Starting with emphazis on mathematical and computational side of the field, currect focus remains on computational advances and effective applications of computational techniques to achieve biological innovation. In addition to main annual event, RECOMB Satellite Conference Series consist of focused meetings covering various specialized aspects of bioinformatics.

      RECOMB Satellite Meeting 2011


      Oct 14, 2011 - Oct 19, 2011


      Vancouver, Canada

      The 8th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics is held jointly with the 6th Annual DREAM on Reverse Engineering Challenges, the 7th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Systems Biology.

      RECOMB 2010


      Aug 12, 2010 - Aug 15, 2010


      Lisbon, Portugal

      This is the 14th Annual International Conference.