
    Analysis of polylactic acid filters: Response to the article entitled “iQOS: evidence of pyrolysis and release of a toxicant from plastic” by Davis B. et al., 2018

    Glabasnia, A.; Guy, P. A.; Goujon, C.; Maeder, S.

    Published on
    May 9, 2018

    The potential presence of formaldehyde cyanohydrin in the polylactic acid (PLA) filter of Marlboro Heatstick when heated was reported by Davis B. et al., in Tobacco Control [Davis B, Williams M, Talbot P. iQOS: evidence of pyrolysis and release of a toxicant from plastic. Tob Control 2018; 0:1–8. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-054104] but was not confirmed by using a reference standard. We decided to reproduce this work and were able to demonstrate unambiguously, using a reference standard, that formaldehyde cyanohydrin was not emitted by the PLA filter when heated. See the scientific report using the link below. Report published on May 9th, 2018. Revised version published on July 9th, 2018.