Clinical Studies

      Effect of Switching From Cigarette Smoking to the Use of IQOS on Periodontitis Treatment Outcome

      First posted
      Dec 7, 2017
      Official Title

      A 6-month Randomized, Controlled, Open-label, 2-arm Parallel Group, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Effect of Switching From Cigarette Smoking to the Use of IQOS in Smokers With Generalized Chronic Periodontitis on the Response to Mechanical Periodontal Treatment and Oral Health Status.

      Brief Summary

      The purpose of this study was to demonstrate in patients with generalized chronic periodontitis that switching from cigarette smoking to using IQOS improves the response to periodontal therapy and the overall oral health status compared to continuing cigarette smoking.Note: "IQOS" is the Tobacco Heating System (THS) with Marlboro Heatsticks, marketed in Japan under the brand name IQOS.


      Recruitment: Completed

      Study Results: Available

      Enrollment: 179

      Study Type: Interventional

      Other IDs: P1-OHS-01-JP