Clinical Studies

      Exploratory THS 2.1 Biomarkers of Exposure Study (ZRHX-EX-01)

      First posted
      Jan 31, 2013
      Official Title

      A Single-center, Open-label, Randomized, Controlled, 2-arm Parallel Group Study to Evaluate the Exposure to Selected Smoke Constituents in Smoking, But Otherwise Healthy Subjects Switching From Conventional Cigarettes to the Tobacco Heating System (THS) 2.1

      Brief Summary

      The goal of this exploratory study is to evaluate the effect of a candidate modified risk tobacco product (MRTP), THS 2.1, on selected biomarkers of exposure to harmful and potentially harmful smoke constituents (HPHCs), compared to conventional cigarettes (CC). The subjective effects (urge to smoke and withdrawal symptoms) which are related to the use of this product will be explored. Initial information on safety and on some biological effects when using THS 2.1 will be collected. Human Smoking Topography (HST) will be explored.


      Recruitment: Completed

      Study Results: No Results Available

      Enrollment: 42

      Study Type: Interventional

      Other IDs: ZRHX-EX-01