Sosnowski, T. R.; Jabłczyńska, K.; Odziomek, M.; Schlage, W. K.; Kuczaj, A. K.
Direct physicochemical interactions between the major components of electronic cigarette liquids (e-liquids): glycerol (VG) and propylene glycol (PG), and lung surfactant (LS) were studied by determining the dynamic surface tension under a simulated breathing cycle using drop shape method. The studies were performed for a wide range of concentrations based on estimated doses of e-liquid aerosols (up to 2500 x the expected nominal concentrations) and for various VG/PG ratios. The results are discussed as relationships among mean surface tension, surface tension amplitude, and surface rheological properties (dilatational elasticity and viscosity) versus concentration and composition of e-liquid. The results showed that high local concentrations (>200 x higher than the estimated average dose after a single puffing session) may induce measurable changes in biophysical activity of LS; however, only ultra-high e-liquid concentrations inactivated the surfactant. Physiochemical characterization of e-liquids provide additional insights for the safety assessment of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). is operated by Philip Morris International for the purpose of publishing and disseminating scientific information about Philip Morris International’s efforts in support of its smoke-free product portfolio. This site is a global site for use by scientists, the public health and regulatory communities, and other stakeholders with an interest in tobacco policy. The purpose of this site is not advertising or marketing, nor is it directed at any specific market. It is not intended for use by consumers. New tobacco products sold in the United States are subject to FDA regulation; therefore the content of this site is not intended to make, and nor should it be construed as making, any product related claims in the United States without proper FDA authorization.
Reduced Risk Products ("RRPs”) is the term we use to refer to products that present, are likely to present, or have the potential to present less risk of harm to smokers who switch to these products versus continuing smoking. PMI has a range of RRPs in various stages of development, scientific assessment and commercialization. All of our RRPs are smoke-free products that deliver nicotine with far lower quantities of harmful and potentially harmful constituents than found in cigarette smoke.