Clinical Studies

    Reduced Exposure Study Using THS 2.2 Menthol With 5 Days in a Confinement Setting and 85 Days in an Ambulatory Setting

    First posted
    Oct 28, 2013
    Official Title

    A Randomized, Controlled, Multi-center Study to Demonstrate Reductions in Exposure to Selected Smoke Constituents in Smokers Switching to THS 2.2 Menthol or Smoking Abstinence Compared to Smoking Menthol Conventional Cigarettes, for 90 Days

    Brief Summary

    The main goal of the study is to evaluate if the ad libitum use of the THS 2.2 Menthol (mTHS 2.2) for 5 days in confinement and after 85 days of product use in an ambulatory setting, by Japanese adult healthy smokers results in a reduction in the levels of biomarkers of exposure for selected harmful and potentially harmful smoke constituents (HPHCs) compared to smokers continuing smoking their own preferred brand of menthol conventional cigarette (mCC) and smoking abstinence (SA). Smokers who remained abstinent from SA were used as a benchmark to provide context to the exposure reduction.


    Recruitment: Completed

    Study Results: Available

    Enrollment: 160

    Study Type: Interventional

    Other IDs: ZRHM-REXA-07-JP