
      Scientific Update December 2022 Issue 17R


      Published on
      Dec 15, 2022

      The 17th issue of the Scientific Update is co-edited by Dr. Luca Rossi, Vice President Product & Process Technology. This issue focuses on the science behind our smoke-free products, and the expansion of our smoke-free product portfolio. Product science enables product understanding, so that we can design and develop more relevant products faster and demonstrate the harm reduction potential of these products.

      Our smoke-free products are broken into three main categories: heat-not-burn, e-vaping and oral smokeless, and all of them provide nicotine without burning tobacco in various ways. In this issue, we show how tobacco sticks are made to facilitate the heating rather than burning of tobacco. We also discuss the introduction of oral nicotine products to our range of smoke-free products, and the available science on this category of products.

      This issue was revised in August 2023.